Every year on or around each of my childrens' birthday, I write them a letter to read later on in life as a way to chronicle their story. The following is an excerpt from Benjamin's letter this year. Although it is quite personal to Ben's life, I did ask him if he wouldn't mind me sharing it to bless others and he gave the "Ok."
2 days before your 5th birthday (July 21st, 2012), it was kind of just like any other night. I was in your room doing bed time with Abbey and you. I was trying to do some work on my laptop but, like normal, that was a feeble pursuit. You had important things to talk to me about. I believe you started talking about how lions will be tame in heaven (a deduction you had picked up from reading Heaven is for Real for Kids). Then you asked if Mom and I will be in Heaven. I replied...
Then you asked if everyone would be in Heaven. At that point, I put my laptop down and stood up to talk to you in the top bunk with my undivided attention.
"Well, no. You have to make a choice to get into Heaven and some people don't make that choice. You have to choose Jesus. Jesus is the only way into heaven."
"What's the other choice?"
"... Um... well... it's called Hell."
"What's Hell?"
"Ok, well... there was this angel in heaven named Lucifer. He was really greedy, he wanted to be greater than God. Do you think that's good?"
"Right. So God kicked him out of heaven along with 1/3 of the other angels and sent them to a place called hell."
"Not all of the angels?"
"No, most of them are still on God's side."
"Where are the bad angels?"
"Well, God put them here on earth but we can't see them just like we can't see the good angels normally. But Ben, what's important is that Jesus and God have already defeated them."
"Why didn't God destroy them?"
"That's a good question. Wanna know why I don't think he did?"
"Because, then we wouldn't have a choice. There would only be one option: serving God like servants, or robots or something. Umm... think of it this way, would you and I be really good friends if I forced you to do everything instead of asked?"
"Yeah, I don't think I would enjoy that one bit either. I think that's why God leaves it a choice for us to pick Him or hell."
"Some people pick hell?"
"Well, no. They just never choose Jesus. Because choosing Jesus means you can't always do what you want. I don't think they would pick hell if they knew what it was but they choose to think about what they want right now like money, or more stuff like toys, or feeling good."
"Dad, I want to pick God."
"Really? If you want to, we can say a prayer but know that this isn't a decision your mom or I can make for you. It's between you and God. You have to really mean it."
"I want to."
"Well... let's see here... do you know what sin is?"
"Sin is when you go against what God says is good. Like when you're naughty. You know how sometimes you just WANT to do something so bad but you know in your gut that it's wrong? When you act on that WANT it can hurt other people, and yourself. Sometimes making the right decision is tough, isn't it?"
"The reason I am explaining this to you is because we all have to accept that we've sinned. We've made those bad decisions. Decisions God doesn't want us to make. And the only person who ever made all of the right decisions was Jesus. That's why God was so happy with him. He never sinned. So when Jesus gave his own life, when he died on the cross, it was because he loved us SOOOOO much that he was willing to sacrifice himself to set us free. Now, all we have to do is believe that Jesus did, in fact, die on the cross to forgive our sins, and God will allow us to go to heaven too."
"Do you believe what I've said."
"Do you still want to make that decision tonight?"
"Uh huh."
"Ok. Repeat my words after me as a prayer..."
"God, I know that I've made bad decisions and sinned... I realize that I need a savior, Jesus, to make me right with you... Forgive me of those bad decisions... Jesus, come live in my heart... Teach me what's right and what's wrong... I give my life to you from this day forward... I'll see you in heaven... In Jesus name, Amen."
"Ben, I am so happy for you right now. Now you have a relationship with God. You can talk to him whenever you want and ask him for help. He'll always hear you, no matter what."
We then proceed to say our good night's and I love you's and I left the room to tell your mom the good news. A few moments into the retelling of the story, I hear you call from your room...
"Dad, do dinosaurs take baths?"
You always had a knack for segues. I have no doubt that you fully comprehended the decision you made (as was evidenced by you telling everyone close to you about it, un-prompted, in the days that followed) and I was part glad your mind was not dwelling on the "dark side" of our conversation and part impressed with the extent of child-like faith.