Saturday, July 30, 2022

Two Become One

My son:

Mom, there’s a new season that just came out in my game and I really want to buy some of the items. Can I spend $10 on it?

My wife:

I think so, but check with Dad.

My son:

But aren’t you two, like… one?

I’ll give him credit. He’s got the concept of marriage down, but not necessarily the approval process for spending money on video games.

This is the beautiful thing about marriage; two become one. Sure, you continue to occupy the same physical body you had before you were married, but spiritually you’ve merged your life with your best friend. Huge level up. 

In the first chapter of Genesis, we see God creating our world - the waters, the earth, the sky, the plants, the creatures - and after each day, He wraps it up by stepping back, cracking his knuckles, observing his handiwork and calling it good. 

Genesis 1:31 // Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good…

Then we get to Genesis chapter 2, and we see that God has created Adam and placed him alone in the garden of Eden. Something was off though, because this is the first time we hear God say “Hmm, that’s not good.”

Genesis 2:18 // And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone…

Now, we know that Adam must have been a talented lad because he was naming all of the animals and tending the garden. He was probably even quite self-sufficient. I mean, his dad was literally Father God. But even with all of that going for him, he wasn’t complete. He wasn’t balanced. Creation wasn’t balanced. Until, He created woman. 

It’s like only having a left shoe. I guess you could get somewhere, hopping along on one foot all day, but it’s much better when you pair it up with a right shoe. It’s like you have a New Balance… 👀

Man and woman are made to go together. The master of creation, God, designed it that way. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Designed for each other. This is the good life.

Genesis 2:24 // Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

My wife, Ellen, and I have been married for 17 years. Before getting married I was pretty consumed with my own world. Sure, I was in church and reading the Word and knew truths like “it’s more blessed to give than to receive” but, aside from some pretty meager birthday and Christmas presents, I had very little practice thinking about what other humans needed or wanted. I mean, we’re talking 90-95% of my thought life was focused on me.

When I got married it was like Ellen’s voice suddenly started showing up in my thought life. I’d find myself filtering decisions, big and small, through how it would impact her. I suddenly had a desire to work hard and succeed to make her life enjoyable, and not just my own. I think this why God said, “It’s not good that man should be alone.” When left to live solitary lives, the world starts to revolve around us, which is off balance. We’re designed to do life as a team. The beauty of His tapestry is only seen when the individual threads are woven together.

Side note to all you single folk out there, this applies to you as well. Even if you’re not married, it’s still not good to live in isolation for long periods of time. When you find your people, a community, a church family to do life with, the same healthy perspective, encouragement, and building up happens.

Matthew 5:20 // For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

Another phenomenon I started to experience when I married Ellen is I could see new dimensions. That’s right; I gained a super power.

Have you ever used 3D glasses? I’m not talking about the polarized ones you might get at an IMAX 3D movie or those fancy shutter glasses. I’m talking about the ones with the cardboard-frame and the red and cyan tinted lenses that instantly make you look like a robot. When you put them on they enable you to see certain images and video that may be physically displaying on a flat 2D plane as if they’re jumping out at you in 3D.

That’s what it’s like being married. You start to see the world in a whole new dimension. Being married to Ellen, it’s like seeing the world through both of our eyes. It’s no longer just my single vantage point but, being one with her, I now see everything from two angles. I see new layers now; new possibilities.

For example, a tough conversation would happen at work and, rather than getting steam-rolled, I’d see a way to hold strong to my convictions and stand up for myself. Or when we joined a church and got involved in the youth program, I didn’t just hide behind the keys on the worship team, but I saw a path where I could help teach the students and became a voice speaking life into that generation. These were possibilities that came from Ellen’s side of my 3D glasses. Her red lens (because my favorite color is blue) sees opportunities to lead and take dominion for the Kingdom of God. She is wired to establish order, to shape environments, to call people higher. These were qualities and perspectives I lacked before marrying her, and now I wasn’t just noticing those paths, I was walking in them.

Hebrews 10:24-25 // And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

When we meet together and assemble, we stir up love and good works in on another. When you marry, you draw out the best in each other and your perspectives on life merge. Everywhere you go, everyone you interact with is now experiencing the both of you. You’ve gained the ability to see a new dimension of the world around you. 

Whether you’re newlywed or have decades of marriage experience, tell your spouse how grateful you are for them today. Tell them how becoming one with them has made you better and given you a new perspective on life. Tell them how they’ve leveled you up. 

(And for those looking for closure, yes, I did end up approving my son to spend that $10)

Monday, November 9, 2020

New Single: Boybot 2.0

What!? Another single!? Yep. The trusty crew here at Kyle's Basement Productions Inc. have been working tirelessly to keep the tracks armed and the record button hot. This month's release is entitled: BoyBoy 2.0 and, as usual, it's available on a streaming platform near you:

Boybot 2.0 on Spotify
Boybot 2.0 on Apply Music
Boybot 2.0 on YouTube
Boybot 2.0 on Amazon

This song hits a little more close to home. As a dad, I want to be absolutely perfect for my children. They deserve a father that is always there for them, doesn't make mistakes, and demonstrates his love for them, in all circumstances. The reality is, I'm far from perfection. No matter how hard I try, I'm still bound to have a few glitches from time to time. I may not be able to be everything for my 2.0 versions, but I can always be improving. And I can introduce them to what real perfection looks like, in our Heavenly Father.

If you like the song, give it a share, follow, like, subscribe, comment, whatever suits your fancy.

Boybot 2.0 Lyrics

From my own mainframe and servos 
Has come a design 2.0 
Boybot is fully operational 
But what kind of prototype am I

Deep in my code I know what’s right 
I’ve debugged it a thousand times
Not a single line with errors or faults
And yet my execute command still fails

How can my programming be flawless
and my power supply adequate
memory and modules in tact
but still I glitch from time to time 

Boybot, I am not a sufficient prototype
Boybot, I will reboot repeatedly
And sometimes it feels like infinite loops
but I will always troubleshoot

You’re everything I am and more
Take what you can and augment
Transfer, upload, take all my files
You are so much more than binary 

Friday, September 27, 2019

New Single: Battle Sword

I released a new single earlier this month called Battle Sword. It's available now on all music streaming platforms:

Battle Sword on Spotify
Battle Sword on Apple Music
Battle Sword on YouTube
Battle Sword on CD Baby
Battle Sword on Amazon

I wrote this song inspired by the people I cross paths with that are legit rock stars. I mean they have talent coming out of their ears and everything they so much as sneeze on turns to gold. As I get to know them more though, it seems they're searching for more in life. It's as if being great only gets them so far and there's a hollowness to each day being just like the one before. The monotony of routine has imprisoned and isolated the warrior. To be honest, my heart burns inside whenever I'm around them knowing all the potential they have coursing through their veins. It moves me to encourage them, speak life, pray, and, well, write this song.

I received a few requests for the lyrics so I figured I'd post them here. From a composition standpoint, the verses are spoken by a narrator, the chorus is the main character, and the bridge is Jesus.

If you like it, give me a share, follow, like, subscribe, comment, whatever suits your fancy.

Battle Sword Lyrics

There he was, running full tilt, sword drawn from it’s hilt
Dungeon crawlin, monster brawlin'

He’s well oiled machine, yeah he took down the queen, 
Ripped off her wings, now he’s after the king

Yeah he fights like a Valkyrie, crash off the balcony, 
Crush all the enemies, one man calvary

Wave after wave, it’s like he was made
to destroy, light it up, bring em down, every pound

Here comes the
Jab, slash, counter, freeze
Leg sweep at the knees
Beat down therapy 

Yeah he’s fightin' fire with fire, 
Trappin’ and droppin' the wire, 
Modified rarest attire, 
Climbing up higher and higher

But he is hitting the cap, 
The grind is holding him back, 
He can’t sustain this attack
Using up all his health packs 

And he’s looking for the one thing that’ll keep him coming back
And he doesn’t even notice all the people got his back
Past is chained around his leg and leaving trails in the dust
And the foes he felled back then can track him like a wounded buck

Somethin’ I can hold on to
Somethin’ to make me fight longer
Don’t let this day be
just like yesterday
I’ve battled and I’ve conquered
I just don’t know what I fight for
I can’t wait to finally find when 
I get off this stranded island

So he stood there frozen in time like a mime
Locked in thought, couldn’t stop, questioning his everything 
Repeatedly rehashing all the tragedy that’s coursing through his veins 

The destruction he survived 
The behemoth he denied 
All the allies that have died
When the battle shifted tide

He better snap to, break through, this day dream, he’s fading, reality escaping

All the while, all around
hordes are closing in, mobs are forming out-
side the door, he can’t take it anymore

With a gasp, now he’s back, trace his tracks, face the facts, 
Out numbered, cornered in, low mana, armor running thin

Toss out his last grenade
Set up the barricade
This time there’s no escape 
Goin toe-to-toe with fate

Somethings gotta give
I’m not going out like this 
I’m gunna burn it to the ground 
I’m gunna bring it all down
I refuse to lose, I refuse to lose
So I'm gunna light this fuse

Gimme Somethin’ I can hold on to
Somethin’ to make me fight longer
Don’t let this day be
just like yesterday
I want…
Somethin’ I can hold on to
Somethin’ to make me fight longer
Don’t let this day be
just like yesterday, yeah
I’ve battled and I’ve conquered
I just don’t know what I fight for
I can’t wait to finally find when 
I get off this stranded island


I’ve chiseled warriors out of iron
I’ve hewn glory from the fire

You my friend are Excalibur
A relic of your past
There’s no equal in balance and precision

But here you lie dormant
Reliving every day, sealed in this rock fate

Knights from near and far travel across your path
Everyone is the same, they all bring their strength 
but here you remain, impossibly secure, longing desperately for a change 

But I can draw you out
Yeah I’m the one you’re waiting for
I come bearing hope
Your days of longing have come to an end
If you want to worry, I only require this one thing...

Give me your heart
Give me your heart
Give me your hand 
Give me your hand 
You will see just how good I am
I will show you the promised land

Gimme Somethin’ I can hold on to
Somethin’ to make me fight longer
Don’t let this day be
just like yesterday
I want…
Somethin’ I can hold on to
Somethin’ to make me fight longer
Don’t let this day be
just like yesterday, yeah
I’ve battled and I’ve conquered
I just don’t know what I fight for
I can’t wait to finally find when 
I get off this stranded island

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Next Gen Church

If there's one thing to lose sleep over with all of the crazy going on in world, it's the fact that our future lies in the hands of Millennials.

Just making jest. I actually like Millennials a lot. I happen to be one, depending on what generational timetable you subscribe to. Here's one I tracked down for reference.

Generation Name
Age Today*
Oldest Age
The Lost Generation
The Generation of 1914
The Interbellum Generation
The Greatest Generation
The Silent Generation
Baby Boomer Generation
Generation X (Baby Bust)
Generation Y, Gen Next
iGen / Gen Z
Gen Alpha

To be honest, I wasn't always fond of Millennials. I used to think “What a bunch of lazy, bean bag, Instagrammers…” and then I went to work and was like, “Man, I want to work less, have more freedom to do what I want...  maybe I can build a career off my social media presence or something? Heck, I'd love to work from a beanbag.” My paradigm has recently taken a hard left when it comes to the value system this generation holds.

Someone sent me a link to an article talking about how Millennials will be the next CEOs, and it proceeded to walk through what that could mean for the culture of our companies in the not-so-distant future.

This got me thinking. What do Millennials, and the other generations to come, mean for future of the church?

Companies invest top dollar in market research and understanding the trends in order to stay relevant. As a gamer, I follow the gaming industry like a hawk on the prowl. I constantly have my eye on the hottest upcoming games, what each publisher is working on, and what the big three - Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo - are up to. And, lemme tell you, they're up to some sweet sauce. There are a few titles I'm itching to get my hands on (Anthem, anyone?), not to mention the buzz starting to stir around yet another generation of consoles (Scarlett, PS5...).

You see, these companies - Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo - have to be on the cutting edge of what the market wants if they want to stay relevant. One wrong step and they'll go the way of Atari.

I believe the church has to think the same way. How do we stay relevant to future generations?

What's our Next Gen Strategy?

I just happen to also be a "strategy nerd," so I know, in order to answer that question, we must start with better understanding the next generation.

The Millennials grew up in a time when:
  • Almost every home (except 3rd world countries) had an internet connection and a computer
  • 2008, the largest economic decline since the great depression
  • 911 Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
  • The invasion and occupation of Iraq
  • Enron - energy trading scams and corporate fraud on a national level
  • Higher belief in global warming due to unusually severe storms, hotter weather, colder weather, more droughts etc.
  • Conversations evolving around weapons of mass destruction
  • The explosive growth in online companies such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, eBay, PayPal
  • A revolution in the way we work, including widespread acceptance of flex-time, work from home, freelancing
  • The US is divided 50:50 with different and opposite fundamental beliefs and values
  • Way too many crazy people are shooting their fellow Americans
  • Turmoil with Congress
  • Housing prices growing beyond most young people's reach
iGen'ers are:
  • Much more tolerant of others - different genders, cultures, sexual orientations, races
  • Less likely to go to church
  • More likely to think for themselves and not believe authority figures in church or government
  • Delaying having serious romantic relationships
  • Less time spent in shopping malls
  • Less likely to go out to see a movie
  • More likely to use Instagram than Facebook
  • Less "in person" and "face to face" contact with others due to more time connecting via smart phones
  • Less reading of books, and newspapers
  • May stay up till 2 AM using smart phone and social media
  • Possibly more depressed than prior generations
  • Feeling more lonely, and not needed
  • Possibly a higher suicide rate
  • 100% of them know how to do "the floss"
Fascinating, isn't it? Tomorrow's world could will look very different.

After much pondering, I came up with 7 ways that I think the church can adapt to stay relevant to these upcoming generations. 


Unless we drastically change the look and feel of church, which, to be fair, some churches are actually pulling off, I don't think we're going to make much progress getting Next Gen into pews. We must bring church to them. I believe they're hungry for authenticity, therefore we should shift our strategy from introducing them to religion and to shining so bright and behaving so counter cultural, like Jesus did, that they can't help but notice and become curious. It's time for the church to leave the building.

My hypothesis is that, with Next Gen growing more tolerant of all kinds of diversity, Christianity will become another diversity factor to them, which is actually good news to us, because we've had a bad rap for a while. We just have to be authentic about our relationship with Jesus or they'll see right through us and turn running. And rightfully so.


As much as we are tempted to "tell it like it is" when we hear someone going on a tirade on the latest controversial issue, we must exercise restraint. These are not times to prove our wit but rather invitations to get curious and show love where they may be confusion. God made us with two ears and one mouth for a reason. 


There are 7.4 billion people and climbing on our planet and our isolated personal worlds are continually shrinking. Surface-level (e.g. race, age, gender) and non surface-level differences (e.g. religion, sexual orientation, personality) are being thrust into the spotlight and if you don't yet have an outward position on them, you're about to find out what your subconscious thinks.

Next Gen is growing up in a multicultural norm. My practical advice to you is: find someone different than you and engage in a conversation. I guarantee they'll immediately become more human to you and you'll realize you have so much in common. This simple act will flush out biases you didn't even know you had.

I also have to callout women in particular. It's a shame the church is behind society on this one. We cannot stand to make any significant progress in spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world without recognizing and empowering half of it. Guys, when’s the last time you received some advice from a woman and accepted it?


This one gets me particularly worked up. There's a tragic trend of mental health issues and suicide prevalent in Next Gen that we need to attack head on. They are desperate for purpose and that's exactly what Jesus offers. If we can introduce these lost and lonely children of God to their loving father, I'm convinced they'll find hope once again. 

Spreading the light to these people doesn't have to be complicated. A simple compliment - "I like your shoes" - could be the glimmer of life that saves someone's life. Statistically, about 1 out of 3 people you cross paths with in your day have or are contemplating taking their own life so, if you're thinking something positive, SAY IT.

Proverbs 18:21 // Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. 


We must embrace creativity and innovation in order to keep the church relevant. Different fish require different types of bait, and Millennials are definitely a different breed than your super-traditional crowd. I believe the church should have the most creative minds on the planet. After all, we were made in the Creator's image.

This is why I wrote the book Nerdvotional. I have a heart for nerds, or people who may be isolated, lonely, or feel super different than the cool crowd. Being one of these people myself, I know how the Good News has transformed my life and that walking with Jesus is the ultimate adventure. Nerdvotional is my attempt at getting some light into the dark basements and corners of the world. 

Matthew 9:14-17 // Then the disciples of John came to Him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but Your disciples do not fast?” And Jesus said to them, “Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”


It seems the church has lost with trying to convince the world that homosexuality is wrong. I'm not saying it isn't unbiblical and that it doesn't break my heart when I see people I love looking for acceptance and covenant with someone who can't fully fulfill it. I'm just saying that the church has been trying to win this as an argument of logic and theology and I think we've lost that battle. 

I think we have a more foundational problem as Christians and in the church that we need to start with: our marriages. Our divorce rate within the church isn't any better than those who are not Christians. How are we going stand for the benefits of heterosexual marriage when we aren't even keeping those covenants ourselves. I think if we SHOW the world what true healthy, life-long, marriages are like, they'll be more interested in listening to our theology.


Last one. Next Gen is caring less about religion and finding purpose elsewhere but we can show them a validated gospel where other sources can’t deliver. I'm talking about praying for breakthrough in their lives, healing, miracles, showing them an alive, loving, and active God. 

In Matthew 14 we hear the story of how Jesus fed the multitudes (more than five thousand) with five loaves of bread and two fish. But it wasn't Jesus who handed it out; it was his disciples. Jesus blessed the food and handed it over to his people to deliver. Jesus puts the miracles in our hands to deliver. This is our role in the gospel. This is our Great Commission (Mark 16), that we would go into all the world, preach the gospel, and that these signs and wonders would follow as we do.


To the older generations, you have wisdom to share. Have patience enough to actually listen to what Next Gen has to say so you can have credibility when you need to drop your wisdom bombs on them.

To the younger generations, Next Gen, you’re insanely smart and resourceful, but you don’t know everything. Remember this. You still have much to learn. Be willing to listen to your elders once in a while. They've seen a few things and can help you avoid the pitfalls you're headed towards.

It's an exciting time to be a Christ follower. A new day is dawning. And the church won't look like it did yesterday, but it can be more brilliant than ever before if we learn and grow together.